Traffic signalization cadastre is a database of elements of traffic signals, whose organisation and update are prerequisite for quality maintenance, regulation and management of traffic system.
Traffic signalization cadastre has become a legal obligation of local governments and public enterprises engaged in the installation and maintenance of traffic signals.
The basis for the creation of such GIS systems are up-to-date digital maps, obtained from aerial and mobile mapping imagery.
In cooperation with BeogradPut, the largest public enterprise responsible for maintenance of traffic network infrastructure in Belgrade, we have developed the first Traffic signalization cadastre for the city of Belgrade. The project realization was based on aerial and panoramic images, collected using mobile mapping technology. Mobile mapping panoramas were collected in 50Mpx resolution.
Vertical and oblique high resolution images were used for stereoploting of horizontal signalization.
Set of digital topographic symbols and cooding was developed in partnership with BeogradPut for presentation of traffic signalization elements.
For development of technical documentation of further traffic signalization projects, clients can export collected geodata to AutoCAD.